Publishing and distribution

Publishing & Distribution Product List

Top Products

Small risk
Platform for video collaboration, publishing, and marketing.

Parent organisation: IAC
Type of organisation: Publicly-listed company (or group)
Market share: #2 brand

Pricing: Free-$900/annum
Factors driving pricing: Additional features, More users (publishing-side), Ability to whitelabel or customise
Skills needed to set-up: Needs tool/domain expert to configure
Skills needed to use: Plug & play (any non-technical user can do it)
Releases new features regularly
Transparent pricing model
Clear data policies
Allows data deletion
Shares diversity data
Newsworthy business problems - Vimeo ordered to compensate Mediaset over breach of copyright, Vimeo embroiled in biometric ‘face map’ lawsuit over user privacy, consent
Lacks accessibility statement
Small risk
Email and web publishing with a focus on monetization.

Type of organisation: Privately-owned company (or group)
Market share: One of the leading products (#3-7)

Pricing: Free-10% cut of subscription revenue
Factors driving pricing: More audience (e.g. more subscribers, traffic)
Skills needed to set-up: Plug & play (any non-technical user can do it)
Skills needed to use: Plug & play (any non-technical user can do it)
Requires audience sign-in to use: Yes, sign-in compulsory
Transparent pricing model
Releases new features regularly
Clear data policies
Lacks accessibility statement
Does not share diversity data
Small risk
Open source HTML5 video player framework.

Parent organisation: Brightcove
Type of organisation: Publicly-listed company (or group)
Market share: Market dominance

Pricing: Free
Skills needed to set-up: Software developer
Skills needed to use: Software developer
Open Source alternatives available
Transparent pricing model
Unclear data policies
Lacks accessibility statement
Does not share diversity data

All Publishing & Distribution Products

Photographs by Susanjanegolding, Farhad Sadykov and CreateHERStock.