This project was launched on May 19th 2020 with a webinar hosted by Emily Bell from the Tow Center, Columbia University.
The 2018 Institute for Non-Profit News report showed that their members spent only 6% on tech investment, compared to 67% on editorial. When public media projects have so few resources to spend on tech research, strategy and investment, it’s hard to find the alternative technologies that are already out there.
This is why we created the Public Media Stack. Working with experts in public media and technology from around the globe, we’ve researched over 100 software products throughout the public media workflow: from collaboration and editing, through distribution and measurement, to archiving and storage. For each product, we’ve gathered data about the pricing models, data collection policies, ownership structures, technical stability, and much more.
We want to make it easier to find the information you need to make more ethical and sustainable technology decisions. This first report is just the beginning.